Friday 11 May 2018

Quick Wetland Tour

We went on a quick tour of the wetlands after canoeing. 5 things I learned were:
1. Lady slippers and orchids are related
2. A lot of different beavers live in the wetlands
3. There was a birds nest in the rafters of a little building in the wetlands
4. There was a deceased muskrat that had long teeth for chewing cattails
5. I saw lots of animal tracks there too

Canoeing Experience

I really enjoyed canoeing actually. At first I thought I wouldn’t but after getting in the canoe and getting out on the water I started to enjoy it a lot! The canoe was very heavy and I had a hard time carrying it. My arms were also killing me after all the paddling but it was good!

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Testing water

There was a presentation on Friday about testing water. We tested water temperature and depth. Also we tested ammonia, phosphate, phosphorus and we looked at a sample of water that had been contaminated by a disease spread by beavers. People in class volunteered to help out and it was a fun experience.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Tilden’s 5 Principles

1. Relating to your audience, you can relate to your audience by being friendly, making small talk, talking loudly, using words they know, smiling, and making eye contact.
2. Reveal info about topic, you can reveal info about your topic by catching their interest, having a buildup, relating to them, and using probing questions.
3. Be a combination of many arts, you can do this by telling a story, acting things out, using visuals, telling jokes, and using music.
4. Provoke interest in topic, you can do this by asking questions, involving them by playing games, and showing pictures.
5. Be a part of the greater whole, you can do this by knowing what’s going on in other groups, and keeping the information related.

Oak Hammock Marsh

During the Oak Hammock Marsh presentation, I learned different bird sounds. I also learned that soil has many different layers in wetlands. I learned how to identify different types of  trees by the twigs and the book. As well as learning about different uses of wetlands based on the 4 items given, and I learned to identify animals based on their scat.